
Uploading your Website Logo

Engage with customers and make an impression. A strong brand presence extends beyond your storefront and into the real world, so make sure that your logo is representative of your service's quality and values.

  1. Go to your Yourstore Dashboard and Go to Settings → Store Settings → Logo Management
  2. Click the "Browse" button.
  3. Select the file you want to upload as your logo.
  4. Select your websites primary and secondary colour from the list of suggestions based on the colours in your logo.
  5. Alternatively you can use "Pick custom colour" button to choose any colour of your choice.
  6. Under "Store Logos" you can choose to change the logos of your favicon, social and mail by following the recommended resolution.

Creating Website Logo

  1. Click on "Create your logo" button to create a new logo with our FREE logo maker tool.
  2. Input your brand name, select your layout style, select font, colour, icons and your brand logo is now ready.
  3. You can also choose to try out our Suggested Design recommendation for you.
  4. Download the logo with white background (option 1) in PNG format.
  5. Upload the downloaded logo to your store by following the steps mentioned under "Uploading your Website Logo".

Recommendations for your Logo

  • Keep it minimal.
  • Remove the extra white space from your logo, to make the logo more clear and legible.